
Have you got projects you have started but never finished? This is soooooooooooooo, the story of my life… BUT NOT ANY MORE. I have embarked on a closure rampage. I have decided that I am not allowed to start ANY new creative ideas, projects or endeavors until I finish all of those uncompleted projects that I have everywhere. The ultimatum I have set for myself is: complete the project or put it to bed for good.

Some projects were started years ago. Incomplete projects are such creativity killers. If you are anything like me, every time you catch a glimpse of these unfinished projects you feel overwhelmed by your lack of organisation and time management. Your inner voice uses these unfinished projects as evidence that you are not fulfilling your creative dreams and accuses you of being a failure. These inner voices have a habit of being very convincing and if you happen to heed their words you might as well kiss your motivation to complete those projects, or any new ones good bye . Like kryptonite if they remain unfinished they can suck the joy and passion for creating right out of you.

I am totally trying to perfect the art of completion and closure. It is quiet ironic, as I have made this decision I have seemed to be swamped with more creative ideas then ever before. More and more entries have been filling my visual diary as I attempt to capture my new found inspiration so I can come back to them when all my old projects are done.

Applause please, as this is one of my finished projects. Finally I have completed my own belly cast. ‘Button’ is only four and a half months old so this project in the scheme of things has not been that long in the making. I must come clean however and admit that I did use the Creative Everyday 2009 Challenge and Mixed Media Monday as extra motivation. This months theme is SELF. Thought joining this challenge would be a great motivation to complete this particular project.

This is ta close up of the belly cast I created of my own pregnant belly...

This is 'Fluttering Gift' the belly cast I created of my own pregnant belly...

This is 'what it looks like over my daughters cot...

So this month use whatever additional motivation you require to inspire yourself to complete some of those creative endeavours you have started but never finished. You might be suprised the impact that closure can have on your creative motivation.

Also Check out the CED 2009 Challenge and Mixed Media Monday and consider joining in with the new themes.

PS – I would love to have you join my kre8ive generosity challenge and pay it forward. Check out my last post leave a comment and join the Pay it Forward adventure.