Flex your Kre8ive muscles this Christmas...

This is the season for giving and generosity. Nothing inspires creativity more than generosity. So flex your creative muscles this Christmas and thinking outside the square a little with your gifts.

How about giving to a total stranger this Christmas
Smith Family Kmart Wishing Tree- www.thesmithfamily.com.au

Take your loved ones to your local Christmas Carols- Support the Salvos- at Sydney’s Carols in the Domain 20th December

Or giving a smile to that someone you know that has everything as well as changing lives of someone with little-
World Vision- www.worldvision.com.au/Smiles/GiftCatalogue
Tear- www.usefulgifts.org

Give something that you have actually made or created yourself-
Cook someone something special
Write them a hand made Christmas Card

Buy a functional gift that is also supporting those in need and say no to child or bonded labour - buy fair trade-
Oxfam- www.oxfamshop.org.au
Rise Up- www.riseup.com.au