When did you last leave time to just BE?

So have you looked through the round window lately? Done something out of the box to re-energize and reinvigorate your creativity. In this busy world that we live in, sometimes the best thing you can do is to DO NOTHING. That’s right, NOTHING! We spend most days and nights DOING, we leave little time for BEING.

Time seems to be going by faster than ever, which is why we need to make time to ‘smell the roses’ so to speak. This month make a date with yourself. Give yourself permission to do NOTHING. Just BE. Make sure you go somewhere you will not be tempted to DO anything. Go to the beach (making sure you SLIP SLOP SLAP), take a picnic rug and have a nap under a tree or go somewhere the makes great coffee; just sit and watch the people.

Today I went to the best little cafĂ©. I love it. It is my new favorite spot. It's by the water and I just sat with my coffee, watching the rowers and kayakers paddle by. In the middle of Australia’s busiest city and in the midst of the busyness of life, I found some moments of peace and serenity. It was so great to sit and enjoy the warmth, to breathe in the fresh air. We all need to take time out every now and then to refresh and rejuvenate.

So, make some time to BE. You never know you might be pleasantly surprised, not just finding moments of peace and serenity, but moments of inspiration as well.