So long farewell, 2010....

I have always found this time of the year a little bitter sweet. I love Christmas and now with 'Button' Christmas is even more fun and full of excitement.

But this time of the year for me is usually accompanied by introspection, reflection and possibly even a touch of sadness as I tend to feel as though I have fallen short of achieving the goals I set for myself at the commencement of the year. This year in particular I have found myself often wading in the waters of 'missed opportunities' and sitting beneath the tree of  'you could have done more'???

While I have managed to continue to paint and create (on small projects) over the last few months I have not really managed to blog with the enthusiasm or consistency that I would have liked to. Mostly this is because I have felt as though I had nothing to say, nothing to give - so I have said little!! Apologies for my silence!

Wow, I have let my well run dry! I am aware that this is something that is not uncommon for many, but I am not the MANY and I expect better of myself as only I have the responsibility of ensuring that my well stays full, to overflowing so that I may always have much to give!!!

So what of 2010: kre8ive life, 11 years of marriage, turned 31, Button had her first birthday, moved house, hubby got a NEW job, Lotus Interiors, handmade gifts, Beautifully Recreated, new challenges and responsibilities.

And now for 2011. What will it hold??? As there is much power in one's confession I figured I needed to write myself a faith statement, an affirmation to be confessed over this year..

2011 will be filled with anticipation and expectation for the dreams and promises yet to be birthed.
2011 will lead to divine encounters and belief moulding revelations.
2011 will be lived generously with prayer and thanksgiving.
2011 will nurture a spirit of awe and will remain committed to the Kre8ive Life.

Thanks Robert Ferguson for the inspiration needed to write my 2011 confession.