Love'n That... taking inspiration from life!!!

Love'n That - The smell of apple and cinnamon scented oil.

Love'n That -The feeling of a cool shower on one of these stinking hot and humid summer nights.

Love'n That - The taste of freshly brewed coffee!!!!! Can't start my morning without one...

Love'n That - My daughter's squeals of delight as she chitter chatters away to all her stuffed animals or congratulates herself on her latest achievement- priceless. (Only wish my video camera was working so that I could capture it for you to enjoy too).

Love'n That - Sandra Darling' Visual Art Creations- So I went for a walk in blog land today and came across Sandra's work. What a find!!! Looking for some elegant and totally beautiful work to brighten up your home/ life, her work is stunning. But what is even cooler is that she has a giveaway happening for the month of January. So get yourself over to her blog and check it out, it will enrich your day- guarenteed.