What's your inspiration Wednesday: fellow blogger

Well this week my inspiration has definitely been all my fellow up-cyclers of old furniture but particularly Rita at Curbside Creations. She was my original motivation and inspiration many months ago to really seriously start playing with furniture restoration.

Here are some of my recently completed projects- not all have their before photos cause I tend to get all excited and just get started then remember I have not taken a before photo. As with most of my furniture restorations these are for Lotus Interiors and will soon be used in a makeover for women and children who have fled domestic violence. I was also luck with these restorations to have the Lotus ladies help me out with a lot of the time consuming preparation work (sanding, cleaning and first coats).

Thanks again Lotus Interiors ladies you are also my inspiration for today.

Drawers Before

 Drawers After

Children's Chair Before

Children's Chair and Table Set After

Chair After
(this is one that there was no before photo for)