Well it has been way too long coming but finally I have completed a bunch of projects I started ages ago. These were all little projects for my 'Button's' room.
Lamp shade before
Lamp shade after
Firstly I transformed this old lamp shade into a skeleton light shade using a DIY pendant attachment. I simple pulled all of the old ugly fabric off and scrapped off all the glue and then spray painted it blue. Then I went to my local Bunnings and bought a DIY pendant attachment and hey presto. All of the wiggles have now come out of the cord as it has been hanging for a few days. All I am yet to do is buy a nice globe. But otherwise a very easy, very cool light shade.
Bed before
Bed after
Project number two was to re-spray the metal single bed I picked up on eBay for $3. I think it cost me $30 in primer and white high gloss spray paint. Then with the little ends, I could not paint these as some of them were all really chipped meaning that the unevenness of the original paint would have been able to be seen through the new coat of white paint. So with my mod podge I glued a single layer of tissue on each of the bed baubles. Next I painted them with two coats of artists white acrylic. Then I rubbed on artist metallic gold with my finger to show the detail. I finished each with a thin coat of mod podge to seal. To ensure I could complete this project in one sitting I dryed each layer by placing the four baubles on a baking try in a low set oven with the door slightly ajar. I am really happy with the results, and Button loves the bed. She is so gorgeous she randomly thanks me for her new bed every few days.
Shelves after
Shelves in Button's Room
The final project is painting and making a set of shelves from an old timber step ladder that was my husband's Pop's (he past away 12 mths ago). The shelves have been made for a while but finally I got around to sanding and painting the shelves. I left the ladder in its original condition with paint spills and all so it stayed a reminder of Pop. I am also very happy with how this turned out.
I have other projects too that I have completed lately, but I will share those with you in future posts. So what do you think of the new additions to 'Button's' room???