So here is one of my latest creations. It was however, completed a while ago I have just not had a chance or decent light to photograph it. I am really happy with this piece and am hoping the near future will allow me the time and opportunity to explore this idea and technique some more.
This piece was totally inspired by one of our Lotus Interiors makeovers.
During this particular makeover I had a revelation - that we are all 'Royalty'. Some of us are aware of our potential for greatness and are daily growing and maturing into the person of statue, responsibility and influence that we are meant to be. Some however are still yet to learn that they are an heir and that they have been marked for greatness. Some need others to step into their world, believe in them and to speak words of hope and life into them and the circumstances that would allow them to believe that they are less than 'royal'. Some need to be 'crowned' with kindness and unconditional love before they will believe...
Mixed Medium on Canvas