In Honour of the Frenchman - Friday Faves!!!

Well today I have a friend who is having a bit of a rough trot. There are people in her world who want to limit her awesomeness and tell her that she needs to fit into the tiny little box that they have determined for her. What they don't seem to realise is that she is AWESOME with a capital A. She is a lady of integrity, dignity, strenght, courage, perserverence, honour, generosity and skill. She is amzingly perceptive and full to the top with talent. One day, I have no doubt that the people in her world will have the scales removed from their eyes and they will come to appreciate her FABULOUSNESS. So, in Honour of the Lady with the most contagious Frenchman laugh I am honouring all thing Frenchy today.

Check out these lovely goodies from

Black feather necklace from Cherish

French Vintage Bird Cage Art Print Paris Flying Cage from Mulberry Muse

French Macaroon Soap - Blueberry from Bubblelane