Love'n That...

Love'n That- The sight of a birthday girl. I can not believe that she is ONE Year old. Where did that 365 days go???? (Also loving that she is creating already- she made her own crown at playgroup, with some help from Mummy)

Love'n That- Isn't this just the most gorgeous thing you have ever seen. Well head over to Kimono Reincarnate and get yourself a closer look. Just totally divine.

Love'n That- Cuddles from my Button. She's never been a very cuddly one but just lately she has got kinda clingy but oh so cuddly. I AM LOVE'N the cuddles, snuggles and kisses (although kisses can be painful as currently her kissing is a big head-butt then she rubs her face all over yours, kinda like an eskimo kiss gone wrong). But soooooooooo terribly cute.

Love'n That- Chicken and Roast Vegetable Salad (Ingredients= Rocket, roast sweet potato, roast capsicum, feta, leftover BBQ chicken and roasted slivered almonds with a lemon and olive oil dressing). Eatting it at the beach house with a wonderful friend and our two little gorgeous ones made it taste sooooooooo much sweeter!

Love'n That- The smell of freshly washed cloths after lots of recent rain!!!! (Not so Love'n That is the folding and the putting away.)